With deep regret we announce the retraction of an article prevously published in JPHI:
Tinjauan Yuridis Pemanfaatan Ciptaan Lagu Secara Komersial Pada Restoran/Café Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 56 Tahun 2021 Tentang Royalti Hak Cipta Lagu Dan/Atau Musik, (Volume 4, Issue 1, Februari 2023)
This decision is taken based on the retraction request by the Author due to the fact that this article has been published in another journal prior to our publication.
We sincerely apologize to all the parties impacted including the Author and our readers.
The Editorial Team is commited to the best practice and will continuously improve the quality and reliability of JPHI to prevent the reccurence of such incidents in the future.
Thank you for the support and trust you have placed in us.
Editorial Team
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia